The technical process of raising black tiger shrimp in earthen ponds includes many important steps from preparing facilities, designing and renovating ponds, selecting shrimp seeds, feeding and managing the water environment. Correct implementation of technical procedures will ensure shrimp grow and develop well, limit diseases, increase productivity and economic efficiency.
Before building a tiger shrimp pond, it is necessary to choose a suitable location. The selected soil location should be loam or sandy soil, low in humus, with a tight structure, good water retention, and convenient for water supply and drainage. The water source must ensure quality and not be polluted by industrial or domestic waste. In addition, the selected location must have convenient transportation and enough electricity to supply shrimp farming activities.
The black tiger shrimp pond system includes settling ponds (accounting for 20-25% of the area), rearing ponds (accounting for 60-70% of the area) and a waste treatment pond system (10-15% of the area). The pond should have an area of 1,500-3,000 m2, pond banks 2-2.5 m high, water level 1.4-2 m. The pond is square or rectangular, with rounded corners and a mesh fence around to prevent disease-causing hosts. The bottom of the pond is flat and inclined towards the drainage system, and the pond’s edge is lined with tarpaulin to prevent erosion and leakage.
Before farming, it is necessary to improve the pond by draining the water, dredging the bottom of the pond, reinforcing and lining the pond’s edge, and fencing with mesh to prevent hosts. For new ponds, it is necessary to soak and wash 2-3 times and then treat. Next, apply lime to de-acidify the pond bottom, dry the pond bottom for 5-7 days to crack the bird’s feet and then take in water. For old ponds, it is necessary to dredge organic sediments, apply lime, plow and dry the bottom for 10-15 days to decompose organic matter, toxic gases and disease-causing organisms.
Renovating black tiger shrimp ponds
The quality of shrimp seeds directly affects the success or failure of the farming crop. Good shrimp seeds will have a high survival rate, fast growth and good disease resistance. When choosing shrimp seed, you need to choose from reputable establishments, only choose shrimp that are the same size, have full antennae and appendages, and are not covered with dirt. Healthy shrimp breeds have a gray or dark brown back, a silver-green belly, a brown intestine full of food, and are flexible and responsive.
Shrimp seed stocking density depends on pond conditions and the farmer’s management ability. For Moana tiger shrimp, the appropriate density is 25-30 shrimp/m2. When stocking, you need to soak the seed bag in the pond for 15-20 minutes to balance the temperature, then open the bag and add pond water to let the shrimp adapt before releasing it out of the pond.
Choose healthy, disease-free varieties from a reputable facility
Feed accounts for the majority of shrimp farming costs, about 50-60% of the total cost. Therefore, using high quality feed, ensuring crude protein content of 30-40% and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.2-1.6 is very important. In addition, for Moana black tiger shrimp, in the last months of the season, it is necessary to add more processed food to increase protein, help shrimp grow quickly and reduce product costs.
The number of times the shrimp are fed is 4-6 times/day, gradually increasing as the shrimp grow older. Feed ratio is calculated according to shrimp body weight, small shrimp need more food to grow quickly. The feeding method is to spread it evenly throughout the pond because shrimp tend to catch prey on clean bottoms. It is necessary to monitor the amount of food through feeding sieves and shrimp nets to adjust rations accordingly, avoiding shortages or excesses that pollute the pond bottom.
Environmental factors that need to be controlled and maintained at appropriate levels include:
Adjust pH: pH directly affects the growth and development of shrimp. It is necessary to check the pH twice a day and maintain it in the range of 7.5-8.5, fluctuating day and night below 0.5 units by using lime such as powdered lime CaCO3, slaked lime Ca(OH)2 or Dolomite lime.
Adjust alkalinity: The higher the alkalinity, the more stable the pH, which is essential for the growth of algae as natural food for shrimp. It is necessary to maintain alkalinity from 80-160ppm depending on the farming stage by applying CaCO3 and Dolomite lime at a dose of 8-10kg/1000m3 of water.
Adjust the amount of dissolved oxygen: The amount of dissolved oxygen in water above 5mg/liter is an important living condition for shrimp, especially when farming at high density. It is necessary to install a water fan and aeration system to increase the amount of oxygen. Each fan blade can supply oxygen to 3,000-3,500 shrimp.
Adjust water color: Water color is banana bud green or light brown yellow, with 30-40cm clarity is ideal. When the water color is too dark or too clear, it is necessary to control the pH in the morning, change water, apply Dolomite lime and inorganic fertilizer to adjust.
Water supply and change: In the first month, there is no need to change water. From the second month onwards, change 20-30% of the water when the clarity is low and the water color is dense to avoid excessive algae growth. Supply water must be filtered in settling ponds. If there is a risk of pathogens, chlorine must be treated before being put into the pond.
Control the water environment for black tiger shrimp farming
Raising black tiger shrimp in earthen ponds is a popular model in Vietnam, bringing significant profits to people. However, to achieve high efficiency, people need to pay attention to some important techniques. This article will share 10 important notes in earthen pond shrimp farming techniques, helping farmers increase their success rate and harvest a bumper shrimp crop.
This is an important foundation step that directly affects the health and development of shrimp. Farming ponds need to be thoroughly renovated, ensuring hygiene and providing a suitable living environment for shrimp.
For new ponds:
For old ponds:
Renovating black tiger shrimp ponds
Pond water plays an important role in providing oxygen, food and regulating the living environment for shrimp. Therefore, it is necessary to treat pond water to ensure it is clean, safe and suitable for shrimp growth conditions.
Pond water color affects the growth of algae, microorganisms and provides natural food for shrimp. Therefore, it is necessary to color the pond water to create a good living environment for shrimp like shrimp
Need to choose good quality food for shrimp
Raising black tiger shrimp has a high risk of disease. Therefore, it is necessary to apply effective disease prevention measures such as:
Effective techniques for raising black tiger shrimp in earthen ponds require applying scientific farming techniques, complying with biosafety principles, regularly monitoring and managing environmental factors and diseases. Fully applying the mentioned Dong A Chemical measures will help farmers improve their success rate and harvest a bumper shrimp crop. In addition, people can also refer to the model of raising black tiger shrimp on canvas ponds, which is very effective and is applied in many places!
See more: Summary of marine shrimp, freshwater shrimp, brackish water shrimp
Giáo sư Nguyễn Lân Dũng là nhà khoa học hàng đầu Việt Nam trong lĩnh vực vi sinh vật học (wiki), với hơn nửa thế kỷ cống hiến cho giáo dục và nghiên cứu. Ông là con trai Nhà giáo Nhân dân Nguyễn Lân, thuộc gia đình nổi tiếng hiếu học. Giáo sư giữ nhiều vai trò quan trọng như Chủ tịch Hội các ngành Sinh học Việt Nam, Đại biểu Quốc hội và đã được phong tặng danh hiệu Nhà giáo Nhân dân năm 2010.
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